Championing No More Sugar
NOMOSU is about delicious treats that contribute to health and NOMOSU champions no more sugar. When we take out the sugar, and carefully combine high-quality ingredients, the result is amazingly healthy and liberating delicious food experiences. This is truly functional for health, and undeniably delicious. We make bold claims with genuine backing. See, taste and decide for yourself.


Ingredients – what, where from, why?
Every single ingredient has been carefully curated from a metabolic health and delicious taste perspective – from the organic, polyphenol-rich organic cacao beans to the organic health-promoting plant fibres (e.g. chicory and agave inulin) with prebiotic benefits, and the organic, uniquely delicious, purely-water-extracted stevia.
We choose ingredients based on the belief that everything we eat is information to our cells that stimulate pathways and processes that either promote or compromise health. In addition to each ingredient’s sourcing and attributes, particular combinations and ratios of ingredients can make or break the net healthfulness of a food. We have created high-fibre, health-promoting, gluten-free and honestly sugar-free treats that keep your energy stable, are satiating and are delicious.